(You should receive your proof within 2 business days)
Starting Printed Price: $0.95
Production Time: 7 Working Days (Excludes Weekends & Transit Time)
Price includes 1 location 1 Color Print
Use for:
-Doctor Offices, health clinics
-Giveaway for Hospitals and Pharmacies
-School events, Daycares
-Immunization clinics
-Children's festivals, summer camps, workshops
-Grand opening of a new medi center
-Mom's groups
Make a visit to the hospital a little less scary for someone with the "A Trip to the Hospital" Coloring and Activity book. Order yours today!
* Please note that monitor settings, color settings, and lighting may cause shifts in product colors shown on website. If you have questions or concerns about the exact product color, please contact our sales dept at (800) 648-9309
© 2025 Mini Throw Balls All Rights Reserved.
Promotional mini sports balls,
stadium cushions, mini footballs, cheering megaphones, mini
basketballs, sports bottles and imprinted promotional sports balls.