(You should receive your proof within 2 business days)
Starting Printed Price: $0.38
Production Time: 7 Working Days (Excludes Weekends & Transit Time)
Price includes 1 location 1 Color Print
If you're looking to give your business a leg up over the competition, you can't go wrong with a promotional product that can be used every day!
Promote your brand with this biodegradable two-color pen.
This 5.75" x .25" pen is made from 31% recycled material and 50% biodegradable material.
It's made with recycled paper and/or natural-based plastic made from corn.
Each end of the pen includes a different ink color.
Add a custom imprint of your company or organization's name, logo, and/or organizational message to the pen.
Increase your brand visibility with this eco-friendly pen!
* Please note that monitor settings, color settings, and lighting may cause shifts in product colors shown on website. If you have questions or concerns about the exact product color, please contact our sales dept at (800) 648-9309
© 2025 Mini Throw Balls All Rights Reserved.
Promotional mini sports balls,
stadium cushions, mini footballs, cheering megaphones, mini
basketballs, sports bottles and imprinted promotional sports balls.