(You should receive your proof within 2 business days)
Starting Printed Price: $15.58
Production Time: 4 Working Days (Excludes Weekends & Transit Time)
Price includes 1 location 1 Color Print
LED Light Clock Desk Fan is the time-tellin', body-coolin', USB-powered office gadget your clients have been waiting for.
All you need is a USB port and you're ready to get down to business.
Perfect for office employees who needs some pizazz in their workspace, office-centric promos, company branding, creative marketing, or on-the-go traveling salesmen working from trade shows & hotel rooms.
No matter your needs, Father Time is to the rescue with Light Up Clock Fans.
To activate your USB Clock Fan, plug it into the nearest available USB 2.0 port, press the button on its side, and bend LED Clock's silver flexy arm - point the air flow wherever you wish.
Blank or imprinted.
* Please note that monitor settings, color settings, and lighting may cause shifts in product colors shown on website. If you have questions or concerns about the exact product color, please contact our sales dept at (800) 648-9309
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Promotional mini sports balls,
stadium cushions, mini footballs, cheering megaphones, mini
basketballs, sports bottles and imprinted promotional sports balls.